Updated: Feb 25, 2024
August 20, 2021
MARYLAND 20-20 WATCH demands that the State of Maryland end the use of the proven COMPROMISED ES&S election equipment immediately and void the current software contract in effect through the 2022 & 2024 election cycles (Refer State of Maryland "Blanket Purchase Order" # 001B8400282 by and between ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE LLC aka ES&S and the MARYLAND STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS - SBE and transferred to SEACHANGE PRINTING AND MARKETING SERVICES LLC);
WHEREAS Maryland 20-20 Watch has presented evidence of failure of voting equipment in Baltimore City AND in other jurisdictions throughout the State;
WHEREAS our published research, media reports and public statements by State and County officials have confirmed these devices are untrustworthy;
WHEREAS over the several recent election cycles and particularly as a result of the numerous failures relating to the 2020 elections, the public's pleading has sought to establish transparency and trust in the process but there still remains NO TRANSPARENCY, NO TRUST AND WIDESPREAD INCOMPETENCE associated with Election personnel; those pleas have gone unanswered;
WHEREAS these allegations are supported by substantial evidence of irregularities and improprieties associated with "mail-in ballots", misprinted ballots and undelivered ballots in Baltimore City (as reported by the SBE), pre-canvassing and canvassing in many states including Maryland during the November 3, 2020 election (and also widespread mix-ups at polling locations/long lines/unreconciled voter sign-in cards in the Maryland "Special Election" for the 7th Congressional District);
WHEREAS in addition to the many allegations, the confirmed statistical voting discrepancies and last-minute rule changes outside of the required legislative process, cast doubt on the integrity of the votes, including the failure to verify signatures on "mail-in" ballots" and improperly scanned "provisional ballots";
IN SUMMARY, the use of these corrupted voting devices creates an environment in the execution of our State's elections akin to the "lawless wild west" and a patchwork of hastily created regulations by bureaucrats that is nothing more than a phony "Rube Goldberg" enterprise. Such disorganization by unprincipled actors makes it impossible to obtain trustworthy factual information or access by the general public, where inquiries generally go unanswered or access is flatly denied.......
AND FURTHER, request that the results of the 2020 Election cycle undergo a full Forensic Audit by an independent accounting firm to determine and catalogue whatever failures are discovered, to affirm the legitimacy of those results and to provide a report and recommendations to correct any irregularities to the extent that the public trust might be reestablished for future election contests;
BE IT RESOLVED on this day August 20, 2021 and presented without delay to the Maryland Legislature, the leadership of BOTH the House of Delegates & the Senate.
by The Maryland 20-20 Watch Election Integrity Team