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{logged May 10, 2024 at 11:00 AM} by William Newton


Hell, I even use my real name 😎


(And since most people NEVER read anything, let's just say: it's here "for the record") for posterity.

I risk sounding like I am defending the "opposition", the judiciary and those who undermine our election processes when I critique (or forecast) the failures by the circus of newly emerged "election integrity" activists.....the one's who make spurious claims, raise money off of those and promote false "findings" mostly using mathematical gymnastics, lack any legal education, theoretical conclusions derived from an extrapolation of unsubstantiated assertions they call "evidence".

EXAMPLE: Claiming to use unreliable and outdated Voter Rolls to identify registered voters, then claiming to have knocked on the doors of a couple hundred of them, asking a few questions and stating 10-20 of the responses didn't match.....then "extrapolating" that % scaled to the 3 MILLION registered voters in the state PROVES that there was hundreds of thousands of fake ballots were cast. C'mon Man, Stevie Wonder could see that's indecipherable.

IF YOU HAVE A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT, I provided a large body of information about the case and it's probability for failure..... The Facebook link is here:


APRIL 23, 2024......

""UPDATE: the Kate Sullivan/Marly Hornik et al lawsuit.

Attorneys representing the Maryland State Board of Elections are asking a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit that alleges voter roll irregularities and other election law violations in the state.

✳️That link is at the end of this posting.

Two groups — MARYLAND ELECTION INTEGRITY LLC (Kate Sullivan's group) and (New York Marly Hornik's) Missouri-based UNITED SOVEREIGN AMERICANS — filed suit against the state board for maintaining inaccurate voter registration lists and violating federal election law.

Earlier this month, the groups asked U.S. District Court Judge Stephanie A. Gallagher to issue an injunction against the state that could derail the May 14 primary and possibly the general election in Maryland.

On Monday, an attorney representing the State Board responded, asking Gallagher to dismiss the lawsuit or, at a minimum, deny the request for the restraining order. (That would have thrown the election cycle into chaos).


♦️ WHAT'D I SAY [January 28, 2024]❓ I've stated in the past that these two groups efforts are destined to fail....

✳️ See # 2..... A first year law student could have written a better brief to anticipate the defense‼️

👉🏾It's like the Plaintiffs are TRYING to lose. 🤔 #NewtonSaidIt

“The companies’ complaint, however,


👉🏾The companies allege no ‘injury in fact’ explaining how their allegations of election maladministration injured any individual member,” wrote Daniel M. Kobrin, an assistant attorney general representing the Maryland State Board of Elections.


Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown submitted a motion to dismiss in a lawsuit against the Maryland State Board of Elections on Monday, asserting that those who brought the complaint lack subject matter jurisdiction.

✅The case, Maryland Election Integrity, LLC et al v. Maryland State Board of Elections, brought by the same lawyer who represented DAN COX in a failed election-related lawsuit in 2022, was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland last month.

✅HERE'S THE FULL STORY from Maryland Matters -

✅HERE'S THE STORY from Herald- Mail, to compare -


Then there comes my defense of that DISMISSAL by the Courts of the uninspiring "Sullivan" case (Maryland) as I predicted it would be early on because the case was flawed on many levels. I tried to intervene by providing my review and identified those flaws that needed to be addressed. My seasoned expert advice fell on deaf ears, chosing instead to see me as the "enemy" for offering guidance. I can only presume, because the demonstrated agenda of the Plaintiffs was more about self-promotion & fundraising schemes (what I have termed as Limelighting) than advancing the cause of integrity in elections. Because of that, they have done more harm than good‼️


Once dismissed, I presented my "after action" Commentary. READ THAT HERE:

BY NOW Y'ALL SHOULD HAVE HEARD.....THE CASE WAS - DISMISSED as I predicted (and for ALL the reasons I said. NOT because of some conspiracy but because of a severely FLAWED case)‼️ #NewtonSaidIt
Herein, Ms. Sullivan CORRECTLY identifies and shows her lack of legal knowledge.
Persons do not have standing to sue in federal court when all they can claim is:
♦️ that they have an interest or have suffered an injury that is shared by all members of the public.
♦️Notwithstanding that a generalized injury that all citizens share is insufficient to confer standing, where a plaintiff alleges that the defendant's action injures him in “a concrete and personal way,” “it does not matter how many [other] persons have [also] been injured. . . . [W]here a harm is concrete, though widely shared, the Court has found injury in fact.”
HER "evidence" falls flat because she did NOT prove anything "in fact". To say her "group" knocked on a couple hundred random doors and collected even less responses that did not "agree" with her out-dated unreliable voter registration information, in a state with over 3 MILLION registered voters, is hardly evidence of anything or even verifiable as being even a "controlled research environment" exercise. (ID's/affidavits/notarized/recorded questions & responses/chain of know ALL the same things they demand for verifying cast ballots). 🤔
IN SHORT: In this "voter roll" lawsuit the judge was correct to not grant "standing" purely because the Plaintiffs (one not even residing in Maryland....and these "organizations", one not registered in Maryland) are at best "abstract" in that no person was identified as being "harmed", inadvertantly or in particular "concretely".
On those points in the ruling that the Plaintiffs "failed to state a claim" and "failed to establish" the court's jurisdiction, the Plaintiffs MUST ALSO CORRECT those flaws before ever considering an appeal.... because "standing" MUST first be achieved or appeal is impossible. 😉
As the case was "DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE" for a number of OTHER reasons noted, the Plaintiffs have leave of the Court to refile their complaint but FIRST MUST "CURE" THE DEFICIENCIES with their claim.
BUT it's childish to even suggest that 'the Judge doesn't know the law or the Constitution' and shows the Plaintiff is without any legal comprehension of these terms.
Further she claims the Supreme Court "is clear" about standing....
Political, environmental, aesthetic, and social interests, when impaired, now afford a basis for making constitutional attacks upon governmental action. “But deprivation of a procedural right without some concrete interest that is affected by the deprivation—a procedural right in vacuo (in a vacuum)—is insufficient to create Article III standing.”
(ArtIII.S2.C1.2.5.1 Standing)
She just can't throw out spurious accusations that the Court doesn't know what it's doing or that "we oughta have standing" (and be taken serious) when in reality SHE HAS NO UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT SHE AVERS.
✳️ Maybe this might help her to understand......
👉🏾I stated from the beginning the lawsuit should have been a personal "Petition for a Writ of Mandamus" if her interests were really to have the State Board of Elections follow the law and "clean up the voter rolls".
👉🏾Secondly, get rid of out-of-state "co-plaintiffs" and ridiculous organizations that will NEVER achieve "standing".....
To say the State Board does NOT comply with Federal law regarding "cleaning voter rolls" is countered by the Board claiming they have an active program in place as required by law and have removed 262,000 registrations in 2023 alone. (See chart).
👉🏾That requires the Plaintiffs to prove that false....the responsibility of proof is NOT on the Defendant.
✅ If you're interested in original Election Integrity research and investigations, go to these following links -
2021 - We (md20-20watch) were the first to ever address and demand preservation of Election records...
AND our first-in-the-nation exposé on ZUCKBUCKS....
AND don't forget the first of it's kind, my State Republican Party, Maryland Republican Election Integrity Committee's (MDREIC) - Report & Recommendations (published in 2017), that Party leadership like Dirk Haire, Nicolee Ambrose and others ignored, tried to cover up and prevent it's public release‼️
✳️ I HAD other questions related to the interview.... (See screen captured images from Twitter X).


What followed was an interview with Ms Sullivan by Troy Smith from Slingshot News....



THEN THIS MORNING answering my commentary of the Sullivan interview, THIS was posted on my Facebook thread, by Sullivan's counterpart, ROBYN SACHS. Here's a direct link.

✳️At each break I'll dissect her comments and clarify as necessary.

My input is indicated by the "♦️".....

✳️ (I can't gaurantee how long they leave the link live or if it will be edited but that's the original link AND followed below by an EXACT reproduced quote provided). {BEGINNING HERE}👇🏽


Failure to Perform Duties Competently: This includes failing to make decisions based on the law and facts presented, ignoring evidence, or not applying the law correctly.


MAY 09, 2024

♦️The law is clear to those who know it.

♦️Who appointed the judge is irrelevant to that matter before the Court

One of the curious issues is why would the Obama appointed federal judge dismiss the case before the defendant Maryland State Board of Elections even responded to the Plaintiff’s most recently filed motions that clearly demonstrated the countless felonies and the actual disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of Maryland voters during both the 2020 and 2022 Maryland elections.

♦️Because procedurally after the initial case was filed, notice of filing & subsequent motions exchanged between parties, the time expired and so upon reviewing the preliminary case files based on that it was the judgement of the Court to "dismiss". It's important to note in the judge's ruling, it was "dismissed without prejudice" which allows the Plaintiffs leave to refile once they've cured the identified failures/flaws with their case.


This would not be the first time that the Obama appointed federal judge disregarded the rule of law, facts and evidence of widespread election fraud and massive violations of several hundred thousand Maryland voters Constitutional right to cast ballots in elections and have their votes accurately counted. In 2023 this very same federal judge disregarded the Federal Rules of Procedure and promptly dismissed the Gibson Group vs Maryland lawsuit without ruling on pending motions once presented with the same facts and evidence of widespread election fraud by the Maryland State Board of Elections and the actual disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of Maryland voters. That case is currently on appeal with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

♦️ITS CLEAR the judge DID NOT disregard "the rule of law, facts and evidence of widespread election fraud" as in this response by SACHS who is NOT one of the this case or the other unrelated one she plows ahead with in her out-of-the-blue awkward defense of Sullivan.....

♦️Neither Sachs or Sullivan have presented ANY actionable evidence "massive violations of several hundred thousand Maryland voters Constitutional right to cast ballots in elections and have their votes accurately counted".

♦️The unrelated "Gibson" case Sachs refers to, the same judge DID NOT disregard "the Federal Rules of Procedure and promptly dismissed the Gibson Group vs Maryland lawsuit", as she alledges.

But for the record, Maryland 20-20 Watch, represented by its founder Lewis Porter was the original (primary) Plaintiff in that action. That lawsuit's foundation was based on MY RESEARCH - "Sumpter-Haw" & my expert testimony about same. YOU SHOULD ALREADY know about that first-in-the-nation investigation and exposé (since it's groundbreaking findings have been "borrowed by many" (including Sachs' associates) claiming it's their work without being able to explain it and not providing its proper source an attribution.


♦️AFTER the lawyer on the "Gibson" case took money from Lewis Porter to represent, prepare and file our lawsuit, the lawyer added to our initial claims to the case filing (a bunch of other outlandish - to say tinfoil hat conspiratorial additions would be an understatement), and so, Mr. Porter and myself withdraw our support to that lawsuit. What transpired afterward framed the reasons we officially removed our connection to the suit.

  1. They began to raise funds through a "nonprofit".....(that's illegal).

  2. The craziness that followed and wild statements made by the lawyer caused the case to be DISMISSED beginning with - the lawyer NEVER "served" (notified) the Defendants they were being sued AND in his filing actually stated "among those" Defendants were as yet unidentified because he didn't know who they were !🤣

  3. After the Judge (the same one in the Sullivan case) DISMISSED the "Gibson" case, she instructed the lawyer that he failed to "serve" the Defendants along with detailed procedures he MUST follow to cure those itemized defects/failures.

  4. The lawyer motioned for another "bite-of-the-apple" and the judge GRANTED a second chance.

  5. The lawyer then "amended" his complain WITHOUT COMPLYING WITH OR ADDRESSING ANYTHING the judge told him to do! So the judge DISMISSED and CLOSED the case.....

  6. After the case was CLOSED, the lawyer attempted to "file" HIS OPINION of the judge's actions into a CLOSED CASE on PACER (the online Court filing platform). The lawyers multiple page oratory to the judge included his unprofessional references to the male anatomy 😱.

  7. Current status - NO ACCEPTED APPEAL, CONTINUES TO SOLICIT MONEY THROUGH A "DEFUNCT" NONPROFIT - THE CASE IS "DEAD" due to the failure of the lawyer and the Sachs associates that hijacked the original lawsuit.

(the Sachs defense of Sullivan continues)

It seems to appear that this Federal Judge might have a conflict of interest, and more importantly has established a pattern of Failure to Perform Duties Competently: This includes failing to make decisions based on the law and facts presented, ignoring evidence, or not applying the law correctly. Both of which are violations of Judicial Canons.

Once the newly discovered facts and evidence was submitted to the court the illustrious Judge Gallagher promptly closed the case and restricted access of the filed documents in PACER.

♦️ I pretty well covered this in the last paragraph....

(then she goes on - abandons Sullivan only to further embellish her own grandstanding about the case she "sheparded" into oblivion).....

Why would a Federal Judge do that?

Is not the right of “We the People” to cast ballots in elections and have their votes counted accurately one of the most important Constitutional rights that exists?

What was at issue in this case?

Standing was one of the issues raised, is the right of approximately 200K Maryland voters to cast a ballot, and have their votes counted accurately not “a legally cognizable interest, or ‘personal stake’ in the outcome of the action” ?

♦️ Obviously she does NOT comprehend "standing"....

When hundreds of thousands of Maryland voters’ right to cast ballots in two Federal elections are interfered with and they are actually disenfranchised this is precisely why this case was the proper venue for this highly specific grievance. Especially, when there is the very high likelihood that this treasonous disenfranchisement of voters and the nullification and disregard of the will of “We the People” will continue in another Federal election.

♦️Still waiting on any actionable evidence that the "right to cast ballots" was "interfered with" but saying so helps to collect donations......can't "interfere" with that‼️

(and she has more rhetoric and popular bumpersticker accusations to shout)

Why would a Federal Judge rule this way when the evidence of disenfranchisement and widespread election fraud on the part of the Maryland State Board of Elections is so clear and irrefutable?

Is the right of a Maryland voter to cast a ballot and have their votes accurately counted "‘an invasion of a legally protected interest’ that is ‘concrete and particularized’ and ‘actual or imminent’ ’’?

♦️Can she provide the unimpeachable evidence of this? We want to review it.

What if the violation of the legally protected interest was BOTH actual and imminent as in this case? The facts and evidence of this was so irrefutable that the Maryland Attorney General chose to not even dispute these facts and merely claimed that nothing could be done because the timeline for the primary election was too close.

♦️Addition by subtraction - it's not even a real argument to claim just because the AG "chose not" to debate an issue that that means a "fact" was true or not. It was sufficient for the AG to state simply the "timeline" was "too close" to the Primary. (I'm sure refering to the Federal law principl of not "interfering in elections" moments before - or even after - the voting had begun). A principal usually lost on many....

In yet another instance of ignoring irrefutable facts, evidence and the rule of law the Obama appointed Judge claimed in a footnote, that even if there was standing on the part of the plaintiffs, she claimed that there was a lack of diligence and that there was an unreasonable delay in filing suit.

♦️ There's no reasonable foundation for debate over "appointment" (repeatedly made by the Left & Right depending on which are dissatisfied). No solid footing in law when using phrases like "even if" as a counterclaim, but in Court rulings when a judge tries to make clear to litigants that "even if" they might/could/possibly prevail on some claim, they are barred due procedural defect caused by the litigants own failure to pursue the action. HINT: THAT MEANS - GO BACK. FIX THE PROBLEM THEN APPROACH THE COURT AGAIN.

An even more surprising assertion is the claim that too much time had passed.

♦️SHOCKER - I'll bet every lawyer knows the time permitted to respond, statues of limitations, records retention& management.

Concerned voters in Maryland, upon discovering that they were being disenfranchised due to numerous violations of both federal and state election laws by the Maryland State Board of Elections, realized that their right to vote in federal elections had been compromised. They learned that Maryland had not conducted or certified a legal election since 2014. In response, they swiftly formed Maryland Election Integrity Inc. in January 2024, aiming to file a lawsuit by March 2024—a timeline that this morally questionable Judge claims is unreasonable.

♦️ Their "right to vote" has NOT been prevented or compromised. GOT PROOF? I mean real proof...then it would be a civil rights case.....

Most shocking about the footnote is that the illustrious and wise Judge Gallagher totally disregards the fact that the Maryland State Board of Elections has not conducted a legal election since 2014 and she has no problem with allowing the Maryland State Board of Elections to continue to illegally administer elections on voting machines with no valid certification, that are not counting ballots or votes accurately, and that are DISENFRANCHISING MARYLAND VOTERS…

♦️ Spurious! I wonder if Sachs is aware that Maryland is permitted by law to conduct their own "certification" (talk to your Legislature). Yeah I don't like it either but the law permits it.... Maryland 20-20 Watch has often addressed this issue with BOTH Democrat AND Republican Legislators, including the State Board of Elections (especially the Republican members who held the majority for the 8 YEARS of HOGAN'S ADMINISTRATION, but have gotten no where.

Do you think that would violate a Judicial Canon or two?

If an officer of the court is made aware of felonies or treason being committed and they have a duty to act, they have effectively established criminal intent.

There is also a long established legal doctrine of Willful Blindness and Deliberate Indifference. Clearly, all three could be alleged here.

♦️I AGREE 100% that there is a "duty to act".....found in law. But FIRST you must have uncontroverted evidence of the crime and present it in the legally required manner.....

♦️If you're so convinced WHERE'S YOUR LAWSUIT?

FUN FACT: Failure to report felonies and treason is a crime… "" 👈🏾 {ENDS HERE}

♦️CITING IS ALWAYS REQUIRED when making accusations and claims.

♦️I have advocated for over 40 years: "Show me the law. Don't tell me the law". #NewtonSaidIt


SOME MORE of my Facebook and TwitterX outtakes and remarks during the SlingShot interview and background stories

✳️Also during the SlingShot interview, SULLIVAN PRAISES "Nicolee Ambrose & Patricia Fallon" among her sponsors......that's "rich" considering their reputations.

👉🏾Ambrose who supports the ANTI-TRUMP pedophile harboring Lockdown former governor running for Maryland US Senate Larry Hogan....


I COULD ALSO TELL YOU ABOUT FALLON.... regarding her well documented Violations of the Party Bylaws

👉🏾Fallon, the former OBAMA Democrat and practicing "SAME-SEX" devotee....


⚠️FOOTNOTE- Sullivan claims the Maryland State Board of Elections (SBE) DOES NOT "clean Voter Rolls" as required by Federal law.....but according to the "black & white" reading of the law, the SBE does comply. In fact, the SBE answered the Sullivan lawsuit in their defense response with proof.

(It's really important if you are going to accuse government of anything in a Court filing you best know what you're talking about and alleging in your own defense of your claim).




♦️One last point to make.....Keep in mind

Not even one of my court challenges, (2 State & 2 Federal so far) where I sued the State Board of Elections over process, access or election results was DISMISSED over "standing".....AND not one case DISMISSED on the merits AND not one line of the evidence presented was ever impeached or debunked.

To read a summary of my State Republican Party Committee on Election Integrity (MDREIC) and learn some insight on how the Courts operate - READ about it here:

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